Kenyan Long Distance Runners

Kenyan Long Distance Runners

When it comes to long distance running nothing can beat or even come close to comparing with the performance of Kenyans. Just to give you an idea of how dominant they are in the field, you must know of that of the 100 best times in the steeplechase event 91 of those were done by Kenyans. That same event has been dominated by the East African nation since the 1964 Olympics. There is no other country that has so many great athletes as Kenya when it comes to long distance running and only Morocco has runners that can compete with them on the same level. Why are they so good?

There are various theories that try to explain the reason why Kenyans are so good at long distance running. One is that they have been raised to run. It has been said that Kenyans do not walk, they are always on the go. Another theory is connected with the high altitude environment of the areas where most of their athletes come from. It has been said that the thin air has conditioned their long legs very well for running very long distances.

One more reason given for the superiority of the Kenyans is that they are simply genetically different from other people. Their bodies are better adapted. They have lean long limbs that cover a lot more ground with each stride.

Whatever is the reason behind it, the fact remains that the Kenyans are the dominant factor in the world of long distance running. Trainers have taken note of that fact and they are trying to discover the secrets of the Kenyan superiority by studying their training plans.

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When you read a 100 Day Marathon Plan review you will discover that it aims to mimic the way that the Kenyans train. This plan was developed by a doctor who was an Olympic long distance runner and who has competed against the Kenyans. If you want a marathon training plan try this one out.

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