If you love sea fishing and are looking for the ultimate adventure then you will find it in the stunning state of Alaska. The Southern Alaskan coastline offers the prospect of a truly unforgettable experience fishing for Halibut with the amazing backdrop of the Alaskan wilderness. Snow-capped mountains, volcanoes and glaciers abound and when your fishing is done you can explore the rest of the delights that the area has to offer.
The Halibut
Halibut abound in the region and can reach an enormous size. Taking a trip with one of the excellent charter companies available should guarantee a successful day’s fishing. Most of the halibut landed weight 20lbs – 40lbs but fish exceeding 100lbs are relatively common. These are known locally as shooters as large catches may need to shot with a small handgun before being hauled into the boat.
Halibut are powerful creatures and due to their flat shape are even more powerful out of the water. Fisherman can be injured wrestling with large fish! The largest Halibut landed in the region was a 459lb monster caught in 1996. Monster catches are known as barn doors! If you do land a large fish it is recommended that you throw it back as it will most likely be a breeding female. It is important that the stocks in the area are maintained and returning mature fish to the waters will help. You are allowed to keep two fish per day.
Where to Go
The best Halibut fishing is to be had in the Gulf of Alaska and charters are freely available from Homer and Seward. Homer is a longer drive from Anchorage but once on the boat you are only 40 minutes from the fishing grounds. Seward is just two and a half hours from Anchorage but you will have 90 minutes on the boat before you start fishing. From both destinations your journey on the water should be an exciting one with the chance to see puffins, sea otters and even whales. Accommodation is available in the fishing areas at local hotels, in cabins or at privately owned fishing lodges which offer packages for board and fishing.
The Season
You can fish for halibut all year round except during spawning in January but the charter companies generally run trips only from late April until October due to the severe winter weather. The peak times are the second week of June until the first week of September.
What Should You Take with You and what is provided?
The charter companies will provide all safety equipment, sea fishing reels and rods, landing tackle and bait. Live bait is preferred and is usually salmon, herring or octopus. You should wear warm clothing in layers, waterproofs and take your food, drinks, camera and polarised sunglasses. You must be in possession of a valid Alaska Fishing Licence which you can arrange on-shore. Your catch can be filleted on shore and your charter company will help you arrange this.
The Cost
A single day’s fishing will cost approximately $325 and multi-day packages at the lodges from $1500. It is not a cheap sport and just getting to Alaska is expensive but this could be a once in a lifetime experience. After your sea fishing adventure there are plenty of other exciting opportunities to explore in the region. If you are not done with fishing you could try out salmon fishing or experience bear watching at Katmai National Park.
The wonders of the Kenai Fjords National Park are close to Seward with amazing landscapes, carving glaciers and whale watching and you should visit Anchorage, Denali National Park and Kodiak Island. It is unlikely that you will have the time to see everything in a single visit and so you may have to make a return trip. What a shame!